

19th Nov 2019

The climate in Ararat Valley and the variety of local soils and grapes gives ARARAT its rich taste. Every September, farmers and their families gather the whole harvest by hand in just a few weeks: they work from dusk to dawn to make sure that the collected grapes don't lose their taste qualities and can be pressed as quickly as possible.

To get grape juice, experts from Yerevan Brandy Company use pneumatic presses designed for producing expensive sparkling wines: only a delicate press, which does not damage the seeds or skin, helps to retain the exquisite aroma of the Armenian grape. After pressing, natural fermentation produces high-quality white wine, which is necessary for further distillation of the brandy.

The biography of the first Armenian ARARAT brandy is a history of generosity, passion and craftsmanship.

The culture of wine making in Armenia goes back centuries, and the Armenian brandy that is famous around the world today appeared at the end of the 19th century.

Armenian brandy production was started in 1887 in Yerevan by the merchant and philanthropist Nerses Tairyan, who was the first to introduce classic French alcohol production technology in his factory. He was inspired by his cousin, Vasily Tairov, who was an experienced winemaker and scientist. Nobody else recognised as well as he did nature's gift – the unique conditions of Ararat Valley and the high-quality of the local grapes.

With financial support from friends and relatives, production was fitted with Charante Type distillers and the premises were equipped for ageing spirits. Their entrepreneurial instinct did not fail the brothers, their undertaking became a technological breakthrough and opened new prospects for the brandy business in Armenia.